How to make brooch easy and simple 

Accessories are always a special item for every woman. Well, to save even weekly and even monthly expenses should make your own accessories such as brooches. Here’s how to make it. 

Material :

  • Quilts of cotton material 
  • Scissors, if you can use that is not too big 
  • Needle pentul, choose needle pins are often used for sewing. 
  • Sewing needle 
  • Yarn, use yarn according to your wishes. 
  • Buttons, choose buttons that really fit for the brooch and adjust the color of the fabric. 
  • Brooch pin

How to make brooch 

  1. After that the patchwork was cut and shaped box, the size is approximately 5cm as much as 10 sheets. 
  2. Next the patchwork folded into forming a triangle. 
  3. Then fold the patchwork you pierced with a pin needle to keep the shape unchanged. 
  4. After that you cut out the folds. 
  5. Puncture folds of his patchwork, ip to 10 folds of patchwork. 
  6. Turn off the yarn bonds until the patchwork patches meet the last fold of the quilt that has been strung together. 
  7. The result of the brooch. 

Thank you for your watching 😉

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